Yes. I know she is a style icon, and I always see that Breakfast at Tiffany's picture EVERYWHERE on EVERYTHING (posters, plates, t-shirts).
But I have never actually taken time to appreciate her.
Just gorgeous.
And those bangs?
To die for.
If God were a hairstylist..
I'd ask him for those bangs.
(on a side note, what IF God were a hairstylist. Think of the whole bible just as it is, but with God being a hair stylist. Eternal punishment would be like... half a bowl-cut and half a mullet? *shudder*)
But really, I don't know why I never knew the full extent of Audrey Hepburn's amazingness.
I got on my current Audrey roll when I one day went to school looking like this:
And someone told me I looked like Audrey Hepburn. I then proceeded to googleimage her until the end of time, basking in her gloriousness.
I never understood the comparison though. I think maybe my hair was going there a bit.
(Which I really loved that day, but now I have short hair and can't do it again. *sniff*)
But I'm happy it came up, because I am now entering an Audrey Hepburn obsession phase and I think that I will now finally sign up for a Netflix and watch every movie she was ever in.
-- Audrey Hepburn

I'll leave you with Audrey's take on beauty:
"For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone."

Thank you! I'm just starting though, thanks for reading!
love your blog ! really original !
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